Blue Light Phones
There are 16 blue light phones as well as emergency phones located in campus elevators.
The phones are set up to communicate directly to the Office of Campus Safety. If you
observe a potential safety hazard, require assistance, notice suspicious activity,
feel unsafe, or need a walking escort, you can reach the Office of Campus Safety directly
through any blue light phone on campus. Just press the button, you will be instantly
connected to the Office of Campus Safety.
The location of the 19 blue light emergency phones are:
- Stimson residence hall Main entrance
- Van Meter Highway
- Gatehouse
- Outdoor track near the Sports and Recreation Center
- Van Meter building circle entrance
- Dorsey Center lower parking lot
- Dorsey Center parking lot near the Hoffberger Science building
- Dorsey Center parking lot near Kraushaar Auditorium
- North parking lot
- South parking lot 1 (near the entrance)
- South parking lot 2 (at the rear of the lot near the wooded area)
- Sports and Recreation (SRC) parking lot
- Academic Quad along the pathway between Van Meter building, Julia Rogers building,
Kelly Lecture Hall, Hoffberger Science building, and Meyerhoff Building
- Stables/equestrian area
- Athenaeum: between the Alumnae/i House and the Dorsey Center across from the Athenaeum
access drive
- Athenaeum: Outdoor patio of Alice's Restaurant